• Is your team stuck in unhelpful patterns? e.g. communication challenges, lack of accountability, polarised ways of working, or something else?

  • Is tension or conflict preventing your group from moving forwards in a meaningful way?

  • Does your organisation need help in making a collective decision?


If your answer is ‘Yes’ to any of the above, I can help you get unstuck and move forwards.

My aim is to understand the precise needs of your organisation or team - and to provide the necessary care and support so you can function more wholesomely and move forwards effectively together.



Get in touch to enquire about

  • General organisational or team support

  • Conflict mediation or facilitation

  • Team Decision-Making support

  • Emotional Decluttering and Wellbeng for teams



Support your team could receive…



A 7 minute video: ‘Is Your Team Stuck in Conflict? The Power of The Unrepresented Role’


About (Dr) Muzammal Hussain

  • More than twenty years experience in group facilitation, change-making and community building

  • Conflict transformational approaches, with awareness of power dynamics, and facilitating tensions to be processed

  • Consent-Based decision making - Sociocracy Leadership Training graduate with Sociocracy for All; skilled in the practical application of dynamic governance, distribution of power and accountability

  • Social permaculture: understanding organisations as living systems, and drawing on design thinking to maximise beneficial changes

  • Advised a range of organisations, such as mainstream NGO's as well as radical Co-ops; Is a Board member of Peace News

  • A qualified medical doctor and worked in NHS psychiatry (community and in-patient) over more than 12 years, drawing on a person-centred approach.

  • Brings the depth, sensitivity and skill of an experienced Emotional Breakthrough Therapist, with ability to understand the range and depth of individual experiences within a group

  • Passionate about a world that works for everyone, and the realisation of self-organising, collaborative systems and processes



"I have found Muzammal's work inspirational and can't thank him enough."

Anzhela Racheva



"Your workshop was a breath of fresh air! It resonated with me in ways that I did not expect. I really appreciated the calm, gentle pace and innovative approach. The exercises of listening and speaking sat in a different space to what I was used to - they felt joyous and unfettered.

Thank you for this, Muzammal. I know that what I learned through this will anchor much of my decision-making in the future.

So, thank you once again for a very meaningful workshop - for the ambience and the content. I ruminated on it for days and am still contemplating its resonance weeks since."  




''I liked Dr Muzammal a lot. His vibe was very calming and he did a great job explaining methods and concepts to us in a way we could understand and use''

A Chamber of Commerce workshop participant